Neil Jones
As we enter the last weeks of the summer Taking Action For the Future (TAFF) program, it is remarkable to witness our students’ determination to finish the program. The class meets at Pulaski Tech for 90 minutes, four days a week with two hours of tutoring each week. Who would have dared to predict that all of the students would finish the course, much less have perfect attendance?
TAFF Student, William Gilliam Receives award for Perfect Attendance from Beth Trafford, Dean of Enrollment at Pulaski Tech
With this level of work ethic, it is easy to see how most of these students will use this opportunity to gain admission to community college and then move on to acquire skills needed for family sustaining jobs. They plan to become automotive mechanics, medical assistants, graphic artists or to work as culinary professionals. It is difficult to imagine that any of this would be possible without the opportunity to improve critical literacy skills and the support of dedicated teachers, tutors and community partners.

TAFF Student, William Gilliam Receives award for Perfect Attendance from Beth Trafford, Dean of Enrollment at Pulaski Tech
Are you ready to get engaged by helping adults improve literacy skills? We have over 20 students waiting for a one-on-one tutor, and we need tutors for the fall TAFF class. Call Kathy Griffin, to explore how you can make a difference in our community.