by kevincatesdesign_qgbdg1 | Nov 6, 2017 | Events, Literacy Action Blog
From Sharecropper’s Son to Reading Enthusiast John* was born on the day World War II began, Pearl Harbor Day in 1941, in the east Arkansas flat delta farmlands. He was a sharecropper’s son and went to very poorly funded “colored” schools in Keo, 20 miles...
by kevincatesdesign_qgbdg1 | Oct 23, 2017 | Events, Literacy Action Blog
BHP has awarded Literacy Action of Central Arkansas a $6,700 donation to support literacy programming in Faulkner County. By Log Cabin Democrat Aaran Mattson, Literacy Action’s Faulkner County program coordinator, and her student use the program’s current equipment...
by kevincatesdesign_qgbdg1 | Oct 17, 2017 | Events, Literacy Action Blog
Student and Tutor of the Year Award Winners We had a great time on September 29th honoring our students and tutors at Shine a Light on Literacy. We were pleased to present our Student of the Year Award to Christina Cook. Christina worked incredibly hard this year to...
by kevincatesdesign_qgbdg1 | Oct 17, 2017 | Events, Literacy Action Blog
A wonderful story of continued success about our partner program with the women of Westover Hills Presbyterian at the Pulaski County Regional Detention Center! Here’s just a snippet of the article written by Rachel Herzog from the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Four...